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TEDx Coaching Legacy

"Your Legacy is Every Life You Have Touched."
"Your Legacy is Every Life You Have Touched."

- Oprah Winfrey

- Oprah Winfrey

Since I began Successful Speaker Now in September 2011, I have been involved in coaching TEDx speakers. To date, I have coached more than 100 TEDx related speakers from around the world. I am one of the most experienced TEDx coaches in Europe. American comedian and coach Greg Shapiro introduced me to Jim Stolze, the founder of TEDx in The Netherlands who later invited me in to coach TEDx Amsterdam in 2012, and then another and then another. The rest is history.

It is really a sacred job to coach speakers who have ideas worth sharing and are vulnerable to stand up and tell their story. They put their trust in you as the coach to guide them to tell their stories in the best way possible for investors, partners or to just share their idea and their story with the world. I have come to realize that I have been able to step in right when many of these visionaries were right on the edge of breaking through to great successes, but not quite there yet. I was there at the right moment in time to help them craft their stories and to give them the confidence to tell them!  Awesome experience that I am honored to have had these last years. 

I taught them many things, but they also taught me about trust, courage and belief in yourself. 

In 2021 and 2022, I have been the speaker coach for the TEDx Amsterdam Women TALENT NIGHT candidates and had a blast working with these  amazing ladies. I coached Sophie-Anne Onland as the winner of Talent Night 2021 on her main stage talk and am honored to work with the 2022 winner Malou van den Berg for her upcoming December 1st, 2022 main stage TED talk. 

Here are some of the TEDx events I have coached speakers for:

2015 – 2019

TEDx Amsterdam Women Startup Award Finalists

2012 – 2019

TEDx Amsterdam Women

2012, 2014 & 2016

TEDx Binnenhof


Ideas from Europe


Ideas from Europe

  • Exclusive Coach
  • 22 Speakers
2012 & 2013

TEDx Amsterdam - Awards


TEDx Amsterdam Youth

  • Exclusive Coach

TEDx Defensie

  • Exclusive

There is nothing like working with a speaker for several weeks to create and refine their speech and delivery and to see them get up on the stage and nail the speech and connect with the audience. I am always as nervous as the speaker, holding my breath with each word delivered, high fiving myself, silently, when they hit the marks we practiced. It is also remarkable to see gestures, words and imagery introduced by me. It is a great kick to see them successful and proud of their performances.

These are just some of the speakers I have coached over the last 11 years. I am honored to work with these visionary people to bring their ideas out into the world. They also remember me through the years because for some, this TEDx talk launched their businesses and careers. They trust me to bring them and their stories up to the level to make the greatest impact. 

I am very involved with the TEDx Amsterdam Women organization and am the coach for the Talent Night competition. We open up the application process and then choose the 20 best ideas. I offer a free "Introduction to a TED Talk" workshop to these and then after another closing date, 10 finalists are chosen to present live to a jury. I also offer a 2nd free workshop to these entrepreneurs. One finalist is chosen who will give her talk in a real TED talk on the main stage and I get to coach her. I am their biggest cheerleader!

What is my TEDx Legacy?

I have been blessed to be able to help hundreds of speakers from all walks of life and professions to develop their unique stories about their ideas worth sharing and ideas worth doing. A little secret of this speaker coach: There are glimpses of me and my heart in every single TEDx talk I have ever coached a speaker for. Now, THAT is a legacy...